Winter Banquet to Welcome New Scouting Families
Post date: Mar 16, 2015 4:09:46 PM
This year's Winter Banquet is once-again a pot-luck event. We'll be recognizing scouts joining our troop, as well as acknowledging our progress in scouting.
DATE: 3/24/2015 (Tue 6:30PM - 8:30PM)
LOCATION: Davis School Cafeteria, 410 Davis Rd., Bedford MA
PLEASE sign-up at: [this link]
Each Scout family is asked to bring at least one food or beverage item, if you want to sign up for more than one, great! Please list what you will bring in the comment section of the sign-up so that we don't end up with too many identical items. Due to food allergies, an ingredient list should accompany each food item brought to the banquet. If you are able to help with the setup please sign-up for that too. Set up will be starting at 5:30, but if you can't make it at that time, any help would be appreciated. Please note in the comment what time you will be able to help set-up.
Please contact me if you have any questions. See you there!
Event Coordinator