Sea Base 2015

Post date: Feb 12, 2014 10:54:54 PM

The Florida National High Adventure Sea Base is a unique Scouting program that offers aquatics programs found nowhere else. Whether your interests lie in sailing, scuba diving, rustic camping on an undeveloped barrier island, fishing or a combination of all, this is the place for scouting high adventure in the Caribbean!

Troop 114 is making long-range plans to participate in a one-week Sea Base adventure during July of 2015. Demand for Sea Base Adventures is generally great, so the BSA uses a lottery system to allocate scheduled activities to troops and crews based on their preferences and priorities. We need your preferences and availability now in order to participate in the BSA Sea Base lottery that is taking place later this month.

The Troop 114 Sea Base subcommittee (Rich Marino and Larry Murphy) have pre-selected four weeks in July 2015 (after summer camp) and several adventures with emphasis on combined sailing and snorkeling. Contact us immediately with your preferences and for more information.

Richard Marino

Sea Base Coordinator