Physical Fitness Workshop

Post date: Jun 26, 2013 7:48:15 PM

A Personal Fitness merit badge workshop will begin on Thursday, June 19, at 6:30 PM. The Personal Fitness merit badge is required for Eagle. You must execute a fitness program for 12 consecutive weeks. All are welcome, but choose wisely and based on your desire. In the past we have had a few scouts wait a year, and that is fine. As long as the scout has the desire he can succeed.

Following meetings will be weekly on Tuesday for 1 hour (same day and time, first week only on THURSDAY). We want to get the 12 weeks started before the boys head off to camp. It is understood that most boys will miss a week here and there for camp and/or family vacations. In order to get the most out of the merit badge, please make an effort to attend when not out of town.

You need to arrive prepared with requirement #1 (see below). Many of you should have had a recent medical exam for summer camp, and you should have had a dental exam within the past 6 months. For requirement 1b, I will accept a statement from your parents. I will have copies of the worksheet (available at and we'll have the merit badge booklet available a subsequent meetings. Please arrive with requirement (1) completed in your worksheet:

(a) Before completing requirements 2 through 9, have your health-care practitioner give you a physical examination, using the Scout medical examination form. Describe the examination. Tell what questions the doctor asked about your health. Tell what health or medical recommendations the doctor made and report what you have done in response to the recommendations. Explain the following:

    1. Why physical exams are important

    2. Why preventative habits (such as exercising regularly) are important in maintaining good health, and how the use of tobacco products, alcohol, and other harmful substances can negatively affect our personal fitness.

    3. Diseases that can be prevented and how.

    4. The seven warning signs of cancer.

    5. The youth risk factors that affect cardiovascular fitness in adulthood

(b) Have a dental examination. Get a statement saying that your teeth have been checked and cared for. Tell how to care for your teeth.

Concurrently, Tenderfoot fitness requirement (10) will be covered for younger scouts. Tenderfoot calls for a 30-day training program to improve the fitness over that period. The program is low key with an emphasis on improvement:

a. Record your best in the following tests:Push-ups, Pull-ups, Sit-ups, Standing long jump, 1/4 mile walk/run.

b. Show improvement in the activities listed in requirement 10a after practicing for 30 days

The Tenderfoot fitness sessions will be Tuesdays at the same time & place. It will run for 4–5 weeks or until scouts complete the second test required in 10b. It is understood that the boys may miss a week for family vacations, etc.. In order to get the most out of the program, please have them make an effort to attend when not out of town.

Since Bedford doesn't not have a track right now during the turf construction we will meet at my house, 31 Meadowbrook Road (off of 62 near Rt 3). I will mark off a mile around the block in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood is reasonably light on traffic. After the workout portion we can play games for the rest of the session.

Everyone should have medical clearance from their physician before beginning any fitness program.

Good luck,

Tom Scanlon

Fitness Activity Coordinator

Personal Fitness