Four Scouts Recognized at Eagle Court of Honor

Post date: Dec 18, 2013 3:28:22 PM

On Saturday December 28, Boy Scout Troop 114 of Bedford celebrated the achievement of four of its scouts in attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. Robert Bridgeman, Benjamin Knicely, Samuel List, and Evan Vient were recognized at Bedford’s First Parish Unitarian Universalist for achieving the scouting's highest rank. Fewer than 7% of Boy Scouts achieve Eagle. 

In order to fulfill the requirements of Eagle Scout, each of them completed a service project designed to benefit the community. Robert Bridgeman designed and built a handicap-accessible raised planter for the preschool courtyard. Benjamin Knicely constructed new shelving for the “Book Nook” in the Bedford Public Library, along with signage advertising the area. Samuel List designed and built a gravity powered irrigation system for the garden at the First Parish. Evan Vient constructed and installed bluebird houses in the Little Meadow Conservation Area. Each of the scouts managed all aspects of their project, from permits and design to leading younger scouts in the construction and installation of their projects. 

Pictured from left to right are: Samuel List, Robert Bridgeman, Benjamin Knicely, and Evan Vient.